"I can't think about that today...I'll think about that tomorrow." -Scarlett O'Hara

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mark Finlinson's Talk at Karen's Memorial Service in Mesa, AZ

Karen Finlinson Savage
By Mark Finlinson
June 24, 2006

Today I want to talk about the space in time when Karen left Arizona until her death. Because I live close to the hospital I had the privilege of being close to the activities surrounding the last two months of Karen’s life.

The question is: how do you define greatness? Greatness is not defined by the movie stars that attend your funeral or the flowers sent by celebrities.

But I saw greatness exhibited many times as Karen lay in her hospital bed. One such occasion was Eric returning to Karen’s beside after filling flight obligations. Upon his return Karen’s condition had worsened. As we entered the hospital late at night, there was uneasiness about what was happening. When Eric entered the darken room; it was as if Captain Moroni of old had entered to comfort the troops. Karen was immediately at peace. The staff had direction and the leader had returned. Eric rarely left her side. He would either sleep at the hospital or come home late into the night and leave early to go to the hospital. Karen loved having Eric by her side. Greatness was being defined.

I also saw greatness on Sunday June 4th in a quiet hospital room. On that day greatness was shown in many different ways. As Karen’s condition worsened she and Eric had conversations about what to do next. On that day the decision was made to take no extraordinary action to prolong her life. Karen’s request was that she exit this life with as much dignity as possible. She also requested that her boys be brought to her. Blake and I went and got Brigg out of Sacrament Meeting. Everyone could feel the importance of the day.

As the boys were brought into the room the tears could not be contained. At this point in time Karen had become blind and her eyes stared into space. As she lay in her bed she held the hands of the young boys that she had brought into the world and gave them their last instructions. She informed them that she would be leaving them soon and they needed to be strong. As the boys pleaded with her not to go she explained that she was going to be their Guardian Angel watching over them at all times. She told the boys she had taught them correct principles that they should follow through out their lives. Greatness was again being defined.

A short time later two elders from a neighboring ward came by unannounced and asked if we wanted the Sacrament. Those of us in the room felt like they were messengers sent from God. Because of Karen’s condition the sacrament could only be touched to her lips. As they stood around the hospital bed and spoke the words never again could the sacrament be the same…

O God the Eternal Father we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this water to the souls of all those who drink of it. That they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them: that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

The angels were attending to Karen’s needs. Karen who has chosen the right her entire life was now being comforted. Royalty was being blessed because of a “Life well Lived”. The comforting Spirit was so strong the heavens were opened and the angels were present. Greatness had revealed itself again.

I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude for the magnificent pouring out of the spirit that I witnessed. I felt the Lord was giving me a personal witness of how special my sister was. There was greatness in the hospital room when Eric took his Celestial mate and children that day and prepared Karen to meet her maker with dignity and grace.

Later that evening the Savages & Finlinsons assembled together as Eric’s father gave a prayer & Dad gave her a blessing. Dad, Eric or different family members would give her a blessing before leaving the hospital each night. But having all the family there on that Sunday night was a special spiritual experience. As I looked out the window at the Utah State Capital I was exhausted from the outpouring of the Spirit. I felt the angels were watching over my royal Sister as she prepared to enter the next level of her eternal progression.

I will be forever indebted to my little sister Karen for the great style, love and enthusiasm she brought into my life. It’s an honor to have associated with such Greatness.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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