The following are some thoughts about Karen.....
Karen was very active in school. She was 9th grade Vice President. I remember in 9th grade she liked a boy, but when he tried to hold her hand she broke up with him.
In High School Karen was in the DECCA club. When we were going to Mountain View High School, students were allowed 10 unexcused absences with no questions asked, but on the 11th you would be automatically withdrawn from your class. So Karen and her friends would strategize on which classes they could miss to go on a donut run. Then we would go to Mortimer’s house for lunch. Note the use of “Mortimer” when referring to Lori Mortimer, because many of Karen’s friends were known simply by their last name. Karen was known by her high school friends as “Finn.”
Karen loved student council and school dances. She had a really cool dance step and that’s amazing for the 70's. We would watch her and try to copy her steps. We ended up calling the step right step left kick one foot forward as your arms hang at your sides and her shoulders sway, "The Finlinson Move."
She was so funny.
Karen always had the softest bed and she sewed beautifully. Karen had amazing style, was immaculate in her home and wardrobe.
Side note: As young adults Karen and I, would go to YA Sacrament meeting, but for Sunday School we would run to "Swenson's" on Main Street for french fries and ranch dressing. We would always head back in time for Relief Society, since we were the teachers.
I really miss her, and I have so much more I would like to write. Like the times we would go shopping even though she was really sick and had gone blind. We would throw her wheel chair in the back of my Datsun convertible and off we would go. One such time our "quest" was for a new pair of jeans. As I pushed her through the store she would reach out and feel the material on each of the pairs and pick several to try on. We would go in the dressing room and she would try each on and feel how they fit. She would ask with each pair, "are these cute, they feel cute, are they cuter than the last pair?" She was amazing with her great attitude during her illnesses.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I love you Diane.
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